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Category Results for: web-development

Top 9 Real-World Python Application Examples

Priyank Panchal
January 22, 2024

Hey Reader, As the title suggests this blog is all about Python application examples. But, Do you know! Nearly 50% of the developers rated Python as the most used programming language. We are not saying this! Statista’s report tells this! Python the language adored for its syntax and user-friendly nature has quietly emerged as a […]

15 Reasons Why ReactJs Has Gained Popularity Over The Years

Priyank Panchal
January 18, 2024

Being in a world where software development has recently gained popularity and technologies are evolving daily, one thing that has set roots deep amongst all the technologies is ReactJS. The platform evolved in 2013, and since then has remained on top of it because of the numerous advantages of ReactJS amongst the other platforms. Today […]

14 Surprising Advantages of NodeJs: Why to Use Node.js?

Priyank Panchal
January 12, 2024

NodeJs can be described as a runtime environment based on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript. The technology was initially coined by Ryan Dahl in 2009 and was recognized as the hottest single product used by JavaScript. A cloud-based hosting system named Joyent Cloud Hosting came forward and sponsored the cloud-based hosting service. Later on, NodeJs was used […]

Laravel Trends 2024: Why Is Laravel Set To Become Popular in 2024?

Priyank Panchal
January 8, 2024

If you are in Software development, then Laravel is not a strange word to you. There could be a case that you need to gain more knowledge of this emerging development framework of PHP and may be wondering why it is making headlines. Here, we are bringing in a blog with everything about Laravel that […]

Why Choose NodeJs For App Development?

Priyank Panchal
December 29, 2023

Several big brands are choosing NodeJS for app development services. Before we discuss, why? Let’s have a quick brief on what Node.Js is. Node.js is a powerful, open-source runtime environment for running JavaScript code outside of the web browser on server-side and client-side applications, which can level up business productivity First developed by Ryan Dahl […]