Full Stack Web and Mobile Apps Development Company in India

Web Development

Selected Firms Recognize KNP Technologies as one of the top web design companies in India

KNP Technologies is an experienced & highly trustworthy firm delivering qualified results that help clients grow their consumer base. We are delighted to announce that with our experts’ regular grind and commitment, we have earned a spot in the list of top website design companies in India by Selected Firms- A trusted B2B research and review portal.

Why SelectedFirms Choose KNP Tech?

Founded in 2019, KNP Technologies is changing clients’ visions and delivering projects with the help of modern tools and technologies that help you stay ahead of the competition.

KNP Technologies delivers projects and helps clients in multiple ways. We offer services in mobile and web application development, UI/UX design, custom software development, hosting solutions, AR/VR apps, Digital Marketing & Artificial Intelligence. Our 200+ client base is based in over 30 countries across the globe. We have also earned the honourable mention in the list of top eCommerce developmen companies in India based on our expertise in delivering superior ecommerce services in the international market through technical creations and inherent approaches that create valuable products and a competitive edge for our customers.

KNP Technologies is globally known for its top-class services as a leading website design company. With the expertise of over 25 qualified and competent specialists, we have successfully delivered more than 900 international projects.

Web Development

What is a Progressive Web App (PWA)? Everything you should know

A progressive web app is a web page that has a similar look and feel like a native mobile app. PWAs can be opened through the browser, so it does not need to be downloaded from the App Store or Play Store. Main considerable benefits of PWAs are that it provides reliable, fast and engaging user experience. There are a number of PWA which are quite popular in the market such as Twitter, Gmail, MakeMyTrip, Uber etc.

Characteristics of PWAs

  1.  Responsive – PWAs are responsive to fit any form factor
  2.  App like experience – It adopts a Shell plus Content application model so it provides app like navigation and interactions
  3. Secure (served via TLS) – It is served via TLS to prevent snooping
  4. Works offline – It is progressively-enhanced with Service Workers to work as offline
  5. Linkable – It is easy to share
  6. Installable – Without installing from App Store or Play Store, users can keep PWAs to the home screen on the browsers
  7. Engaging – With the help of push notifications, it re-engages with the users
  8. Discoverable – PWAs are discoverable because of W3C Manifests and Service Worker registration scope which allows the search engines to find them
  9. Fresh – Always serves fresh content thanks to the Service Provider update process

What are the three main building blocks?

Progressive Web Apps can have a number of functionalities such as geolocation, Bluetooth etc. Google has defined some base technical requirements for the PWAs which are as follows:

1) Service Worker

A Service Worker is a JavaScript code which runs in the background process of the PWA. It is used to precache the resources, because of which the web app loads fast and can work as offline. Once the user visits the web app, the Service Worker saves the important assets such as HTML files and images; so it does not need to make API calls to the backend whenever the user visits the web app next time. Service Workers can be used for background data synchronization as well as push notifications.

2) Transport Layer Security (TLS)

PWAs communicate over HTTPS by having SSL certificate installed on its web server; which creates a secure and encrypted connection between the frontend web app and backend server. It supports the TLS protocol to ensure the secure data transfers when the web app communicates with the backend of the app. It is crucial for keeping the user information safe such as for online shopping using credit card information and so.

3) Web Manifest

It is a JSON file that defines the look and feel of the Progressive Web App when it is installed. It helps to customize the home screen icons and also how the web app is launched. A web manifest is one of the important aspects for PWAs for creating a native app like user experience. Web Manifest includes metadata such as app name, version, description, theme colors, screen orientation (portrait or landscape).

Benefits of Progressive Web Apps

There are a number of advantages of using Progressive Web Apps.


Our expert team at KNP Tech has opted the latest technological trends which not only gives the technical benefits but also helps increase the sales conversions by keeping the search engine algorithms in mind. Progressive Web Apps are quite helpful in optimizing the performance as well as the sales of the eCommerce companies.

Contact our team to get Progressive Web Apps developed for your business which will help you get better user engagement and so the increased sales.

Mobile Application

Different 7 Mobile App Development Stages

A Mobile App project starts with a raw concept which gradually grows with brainstorming and market research. After successfully passing these stages, it’s time to start the Prototyping and Design phase which should be completed just before the App development begins.

With our number of years experience of mobile app development, we have broken down the different stages of the Prototyping and Designing process. Before the actual designing

starts, we must follow these Pre-Design stages which is important to have a flawless UI of your App.

Competitive Analysis

If your App concept is somewhat similar to the other Apps which are already into the Market; or else the Apps which belong to a similar target industry as yours – then your first step is to do a brief Competitive Analysis.

Follow the Apps that have similar features that you wish to have. Use this information from the competitors’ Apps to improvise your area where it lacks.

If your App concept is unique and you don’t see any competitors, then undoubtedly you should follow the latest UI trends with some elements of the market leader Apps.



It’s crucial to freeze the requirements of the App and to put it on a paper before starting the UI Design and Development of the App. Without finalizing the Architecture of the App, the goal of the project often fails to meet the actual requirements.

It’s quite important to create a functional specifications document to ensure that you have covered all the requirements; and that too should have included all the data flows and flow charts in order to make the Design Team understand the actual goal well. With the help of it, Designer will be able to understand the architecture to create the designs that meet the App requirements and it’s goal.


In simple words, the Wireframe is the rough sketch of the actual design that’s going to be used in the App which walks you through the App screens; so you can avoid any mistakes while designing the App screens. There are plenty of tools available in the market to create Wireframes. One can do the wireframing on a piece of paper as well!

Once the Wireframe is ready, it helps to ensure the Stakeholders to not only achieve the appropriate Designs; but also gives the navigation throughout the App with boosting the UX.

Our Business Analysis team and the Designers/ Developers will help you take your App concept to the next level. Let’s plan to build something innovative and great together which can benefit your business!

Mobile Application

Why Choose React Native for App Development

It has been always tough decision to choose the correct development platform for your Web or Mobile Apps. Having Pros and Cons of each and every platforms, you will be always looking for cost-effective yet scalable solution for your Apps.

Mobile Apps development market has been drastically transformed from Native development to Cross-platform after React Native has been introduced in the market.

Here are the Top 5 Reasons to Choose React Native than Native Android and iOS or any else Cross-platform:

1. Android and iOS Apps from one code base

– Biggest advantage of React Native is – the development is done in one code base and it produces the App for both Android and iOS. By this way, less developers will engage in the project and in the least possible time, the Apps will be ready to publish!

2. Optimized Performance

– Apps developed using React Native give seamless experience to the users in terms of fast and smooth performance as the platform is based on JavaScript.

3. Bridging with Native features

– It’s quite easy as well as straightforward to integrate Native Android or iOS features into the React Native project development. That’s one of the most value added benefits from this platform.

4. Easy UI Integration

– The responsiveness of React Native supports the App to deal with different screen sizes of the Smartphones. React Native is the first Cross-platform which allows to create the App without compromising on speed, efficiency and overall look and feel.

5. Benefits of the re-usability of the components

– React Native development provides with the immense benefits of re-usability of the components throughout the Application development that saves the overall development time and henceforth the cost!

Mobile Application

How Augmented Reality in Education is Transforming Learning

Educators have always been the most intrepid users of AR technology. They have always been involved with finding new and innovative solutions to engage the young mind with latest technologies and modern gadgets that they enjoy most. AR is not only opening the world to educators but it is also impacting the publishers as they are getting more inclined towards the new technology. AR is opening up a world of possibilities for the publishers. The most burning topics involve cyber safety and the challenges of keeping young people safe in this vast digital world. There has been research involving AR having a positive impact on both visual attention and memory. AR enhances the learning experiences and opens up a large number of doors for young people.

Using AR to transform learning

Augmented reality in education is soon a possibility now. It is, in fact, taking effect and is transforming education. It has affected the conventional learning process. With AR, you have got the potential to change the location and timing of the study. You can also introduce new and amazing methods. With AR, the classes have become more engaging and information have become more encouraging. In the modern era, where everything is fast paces, education has to take a leap ahead with technology and this is where educators knew, learning process had to change. Learning has to be more creative and interactive. This is where AR comes in handy.

When you look at the stats, more than 80% of young people own a smartphone and are very active. They use their phone to browse through social media, listen to songs and many more activities. But very few use it for study. There is a huge potential of combining smartphones with AR for education. AR can transfer learning in many ways out which below are a few.

Augmented Reality Classroom

AR animated content in learning will be quite catchy. It could catch the student’s attention and at the same time motivate them to study. And with technology, we can also add more data to it to make it more interactive and more informative providing a wider understanding of the topic. One more thing that can happen is you can scan a certain part of the book and receive that information in text, audio or even video format.

AR helping in explaining difficult concepts

The most important use of AR in education is in learning concepts that are hard to learn. So, AR turns those concepts into 3D models, which makes it very easy to grasp the concept in a modular format. This is best for the person who is good as a visual learner and for them who translate the theoretical concept into models.

Engagement and Interaction

With AR, teachers now can involve students in 3D model process learning. It can be like a part of the teaser supporting the main topic with different perspective and information.

How AR is helping to teach cyber safety

AR is helping young people in terms of education but when it comes to cyber safety, this has some advanced features which help them. With the advancement in technology, there has been an increase in cybercrime like photo theft, defamation, hacking and so on. So, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Students should learn from the technology properly and not misuse it. Young people safety is of utmost importance and AR provides many solutions to tackle such issues. For example, let’s say, you are able to save a photo on phone but when trying to share it, AR will ask the age of the sharer. So, this will make both sharer and carer aware of the restrictions and obligations that you need to follow. With AR, you can be more secure than ever. Things like facial recognition are now in action and help identify and tackle the cyber threat.

AR is helping young people in terms of education but when it comes to cyber safety, this has some advanced features which help them. With the advancement in technology, there has been an increase in cybercrime like photo theft, defamation, hacking and so on. So, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Students should learn from the technology properly and not misuse it. Young people safety is of utmost importance and AR provides many solutions to tackle such issues. For example, let’s say, you are able to save a photo on phone but when trying to share it, AR will ask the age of the sharer. So, this will make both sharer and carer aware of the restrictions and obligations that you need to follow. With AR, you can be more secure than ever. Things like facial recognition are now in action and help identify and tackle the cyber threat.